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Our Average Client Receives a 9.2x ROAS with Facebook Ads

Do you want Facebook ad campaigns that are actually profitable?
Our team of veteran advertisers and performance marketers cut through all the fluff and deliver incredible return on ad spend!

Enterprise Grade Services

Have an established business and looking to grow sales? Create The Movement has the plan for success.

Startup Friendly, Easy To Work With

We've helped many startups acquire their first customers. SaaS, Ecommerce, Medical, we do it all!

Lead Generation At Scale

Local businesses often need leads. We turn Facebook into a high volume lead generating machine!

Ecommerce Advertising Pros

Looking to launch or scale your ecommerce brand? Our methodology is famous for producing the highest return on ad spend in the business.

Success Is Measured by Revenue, Not "Vanity Metrics"

We don't say things like: "you're getting lots of engagement and brand awareness."
Brands hire us to grow their revenue via new customer acquisition.
All we do is conversions. Purchases, leads, subscriptions, etc. 
Give us a product to sell, a budget to work with, and a target cost per sale. We'll get it done.

Our Facebook Ads Process

We handle the entire funnel for you. You'll get an art director, copywriter, media buyer, and project manager working directly with your brand.

Artboard 1

Develop Creative, Produce Ad Copy That Converts

Our team will work with your team to build out creative, copy, and sales pages that convert.

Build Audiences, Deploy Advertising Assets

Our performance media buyers will build out audiences and campaigns that can scale fast.

Scale Campaigns Fast, Deliver Huge ROI

We'll partner with your team to ensure profitability as we begin to scale. Huge ROI will be delivered.



Our clients are more than just clients. They are our partners, our friends, and we treat them like family.
“I appreciate all the attention you give our account. The results have been amazing and the way you scaled so fast is remarkable. Let's make this month another record breaker!”
Josh Lee
Chief Marketing Officer, Sarah's Silks
“Guys, our CPA has dropped to around $16 on the pre-sale. Please try to spend at least $5,000-$7,000 per day as soon as possible. I love what I'm seeing. Let's keep it going.”
Jim Hill
Co-Owner, Crafy Holiday Helper
“Your creatives are FIRE! We've never had an agency produce so many perfect ads in such a short time. Your design team is the best we've seen for our products..”
Nicole Hankens
Founder, Melanin Apparel

We Don't Guess

We make data-driven decisions about your campaign. By using data to understand how customers interact with your business, we can increase conversions and reduce cost per sale.

100% Free Strategy Call

(worth over $800!)

No commitment. No risk. We'll give you some actionable intel that you can implement. Hopefully you'll hire us to scale your ads. If not, you'll still get some strong insight.

Here are some questions we asked fairly often. We hope you like our answers. 🙂

YES! Here’s why…

We have our own custom software that integrates directly with Facebook’s API. (No, not a simple CAPI connection)

We mitigate iOS14 issues by converting your purchase data to 1st party data and then piping it back to Facebook for attribution. It’s not complex but it’s insanely effective.

Most of our clients see a 20%-30% lift in conversions and ROAS once we connect our API. You’re gonna LOVE it! 

First, we’ll assign you a project manager, ad buyer, and creative director. You really only need to deal directly with the project manager, unless you love getting lots of emails. 🙂

Next, we will send a request from our Verified Facebook Business Manager Account to yours, so that we can manage your advertising assets. If you don’t have this we will set it all up for you. 

We ensure that you OWN all of your advertising assets. Other agencies do not do this and it’s a major problem in our industry. You’re in safe hands with Create The Movement.

First and foremost, we are a direct response agency. This means every action we take on your behalf is designed to lead to revenue. 

Other agencies will sometimes say a lot of big words that really don’t mean anything. “Hyper-focused responsive dynamic ads” is a phrase we’ve heard before, that could literally mean anything (except purchases for your business).

We cut through all the “agency fluff” and speak with you in plain English. 

You should hire an agency because you’ll have a full team of advertising experts dedicated to your campaign. 

Plus, you’ll get insights that are not available to individual advertisers or freelancers. 

For example, we spend millions of dollars across nearly 100 Facebook Ad accounts. You’ll get the advantage that comes along with being able to see Facebook’s Algorithm at the macro level.

You’ll shortcut the path to positive ROI when hiring an agency like Create The Movement vs doing Facebook Ads yourself.

We ask that you give us three months. However, we can be flexible in some cases.

It really depends on your industry. We don’t have a set minimum amount of ad spend, but if your ad spend is very low, it might not make sense financially to pay our retainer.

Just know that we will treat your money as if it were our own, and we will not spend for the sake of spending. 

Our fees are performance based and variable depending on your unique situation. 

We’re always willing to wheel n’ deal to help you get the best value. 

Just fill out the form, give us some info, and we’ll email you our pricing.

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Made With ❤️ in Oklahoma

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