Attorney link building is one of the most significant ways to please Google. If you are a website owner these days, you may or may not know the importance of link building. So lets dive into why Attorney Link Building is it so important?

How Google Ranks Your Pages


It’s important to know that Google ranks pages individually. Some people think that, if you have a attorney website, that only your main landing page gets ranked. But that’s not true. Google’s web crawlers and automation “bots” crawl your pages at least once per week, but most sources say it’s much more often. If you search for this information, you’ll find that Google says their bots “crawl often.”

Here’s an interesting point on this statement. We don’t know how often they crawl because they say it varies “depending on your website links, page rank, and crawling restraints.” This tells you that the Google bots will crawl your site more if you have more backlinks. So it is to your advantage to increase the number of valid backlinks that are relevant to your site to increase the bot activity.

Why increase Googlebot crawling on your pages?

When you increase the frequency of the crawling on your site, you will increase your chances of working your way up the ranks in the Google search engine. If they don’t crawl your page as often, they may be crawling your competitors’ pages, possibly increasing their ranking over yours.

Additionally, remember that we said that Google crawls every page, not just one. You can find every single page on your site on Google if you look for them and even see where they are all ranking using various metrics tools.

Therefore, it is to your advantage to make sure you have plenty of good links that are relevant to your site and valuable to people so that your ranking will improve.

The Need for Relevance

Google has always made a big deal out of relevance. That’s because they want your content to offer value to the people who search for your page. Don’t use “black hat SEO” by providing internal links that don’t offer value or which are not relevant to your site. This will get you lowered in the rankings.

Instead, focus on providing quality links that are relevant to your site content that may offer some additional help to your visitors. Remember that these links can be built up over time. As you add pages to your site, more links can be added that will increase the hits to your page. Google awards ranking points for the number of visits and clicks on your link which improves your ranking score over time.

Even if it takes some traffic off your site, chances are they will come back after they’ve read the article if they value your content. Even if they don’t, your reputation will improve and your rankings will reflect the positive changes by offering more internal links and quality backlinks.

Don’t overdo it

One last piece of advice we’ll offer in this post. When posting links, don’t overdo it. About three links per 1000 words is more than enough to increase your rankings. Also, make sure that the links you offer are valid and not old pages that don’t exist anymore. So you’ll need to check this periodically.

Finally, use both onsite and offsite SEO. This means to include some links that stay on your domain and others that click off to another site. The external links can be from your blog or social media page if you have relevant content over there. Google is fine with you linking out to your other content as long as it is all connected to your purpose and relevant.

The best type of links will be those that offer additional information on your niche or that help them make a decision or provide more tools to aid in a purchase. Remember to include local citations (links to your site from other sites) as this improves your score, as well.

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