Online Marketing Is All About Your ROI

Return on Investment should be the number one focus for any internet marketing strategy. Without a clear plan to make you money, your marketing company is doing you a disservice. We provide actionable goals that turn your marketing efforts into a profitable utility. Fill out this quick form to receive a comprehensive breakdown of your marketing efforts and some ways you can immediately improve.

The 4 Pillars Of Online Marketing



According to Google, nearly 85% of people search the internet with the intent to find local services. Google also tells us that the first three results on the search engine ranking page receive 73% of total clicks, with the first result getting 33% of total clicks. We don’t mean to slam you with numbers, but we want you to understand JUST how important showing up in those first 3 spots is. Appearing highly in the search results is absolutely crucial for drumming up business, and a solid SEO (search engine optimization) strategy is the best way to do it.
Tulsa Web Designers

Paid Advertising

Unlike its’ traditional sibling, online paid advertising has the benefits of being highly trackable. Meaning you can see exactly where your marketing dollars are going and the exact return they bring you. Every call, every form submission can be given a value and you can keep track of exactly how much value your marketing team is bringing you.
Tulsa Web Designers

Website Design

Your website is your business’ first impression to potential clients and should be a tool that leads them to get in contact with you. If it loads slowly, isn’t designed with a visitor’s experience in mind, or isn’t easy to navigate, then this invaluable tool becomes about as useful as a pair of swim trunks in a blizzard. A business website in today’s world needs to be conversion centric, meaning it is built with the intention of converting a visitor into a lead and qualifying them along the way.
Social Media

Social Media

With the rise of Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram your company can’t afford NOT to be active on social channels. A strong social media strategy is your ticket into your potential customer’s daily lives and interact with them on a fairly personal level. Social media provides an opportunity for brand awareness at unprecedented low costs and with incredible ease. If you lack a Facebook page, company instagram and twitter you are falling behind and missing out on one of the simplest ways to get in front of your target market.
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