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Car DealershipMarketing

Bad car dealership marketing isn’t hard to find. It’s on social media, websites, and certainly on TV. Separating yourself from the guy down the street takes more than a commercial with a few explosions and a monster truck rally style voice over. The world has gone digital and that’s where you need to be.

Car dealership marketing needs to be a two-pronged approach, balancing traditional with digital. TV and radio spots are great for attracting customers, but happens after you’ve peaked their interest?

When it comes to buying items that aren’t routine, studies show that 81% of shoppers do online research before buying. This means your customers will be visiting your website long before they visit your lot.

At Create the Movement, we make car dealer websites that stand out instead of blending in. Our goal is to give the customer the information then need as quickly and easily as possible.

We can also handle other forms of car dealership marketing like SEO, social media, and even video production.

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