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Case Study

Living the Good Life Naturally

Facebook Ads

Project Overview

Living the Good Life Naturally (LTGLN) is a health and wellness brand focusing on a range of supplements. Their flagship product is a magnesium soak. The Problem: LTGLN had previously worked with several other media buyers and agencies. They were not able to profitably scale their social media advertising. We were hired to scale the ad account and get them to at least 3.5x ROAs.

The Challenges Ahead

The health supplement space is well known for being severely competitive, plus there can also be compliance issues when selling wellness products on social media.

We needed to make sure we were compliant, but also drive powerful, direct-sales messaging:

  1. Build finely tuned lookalike audiences based on valuable website events.
  2. Worked with the client to maximize special offers and discounts depending on where the user was in the funnel.
  3. Excluded people who have purchased in the past 180 days from all social media marketing. This was challenging, but we were still able to get a strong ROAS.


We decided to leverage existing content as well as the owner’s personal following. The owner of the business is a thought lead in the magnesium industry, and her leadership helps to drive sales.

Campaign Launch Structure:

  1. Top of Funnel (purchase goal): We used a mixture of product images and videos to target cold traffic at the top of the funnel.
  2. Middle of Funnel (purchase goal): We decided to use Facebook’s lookalike audiences at 5%, which gave us a group of around 11 million people who are potentially in-market for our client’s products.
  3. Bot tom of Funnel (purchase goal): We chose to serve to different content to users based on how many days had passed since they visited the website. We also took advantage of marketing to friends of LTGLN followers.



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