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Social Media

For better or worse, social media is a powerful force. Everyone from your mom to your mom’s mom is tweeting, posting, liking, sharing and doing whatever else is today’s new trend is. It’s estimated that more than a billion people are now active on some sort of social media outlet. That’s a lot of faces glued to phones.

Since we know such a large audience is out there, how do we make the most of social media marketing? There are plenty of wrong ways to do a social media campaign and only a few to get the results we want.

Anytime we embark on a social media campaign we make sure we understand two things: the industry and the audience.

When researching the industry our clients are in we look at jargon and gossip. We want to make sure you sound like a pro, so when we write social media for you we use industry appropriate terms and vernacular.

No matter how well we tell the story, it’s worthless unless people see it and engage with it. This is the tricky part, getting your audience to actively engage with you on social media. The easiest way to do this is to simply find out what they want to hear and then say it.

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