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Retargeting Your Website

typing in a laptop

First of all what is Retargeting??

Lets look at it this way, your customers are always switching between browsers, devices, and apps. From a friendly, unified platform, you can reach them wherever they go with ads across Facebook, and across the web.  So basically web retargeting will bring customers and prospects back to your site with targeted display ads across their news sites, blogs, and more. Web retargeting is a great foundation for any retargeting program, and with web retargeting gives you access to more than 60 leading ad networks and exchanges, including Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo.

Here is an example of the results you can get from a retargeting campaign.

The site had 523 Visits during the first 3 weeks of February.

As the increment with the retargeting campaign, There were 1,131 visits in the first 3 weeks of this campaign.  An overall increase of 216% in site visits.

Contact us today to get your retargeting campaign started or to find out more how we can help increase the visibility of your site.


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