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Spreading Awareness on COVID-19

Spreading Awareness on Covid-19

Information and news about the COVID 19 pandemic are released so frequently that it is hard for anyone to know what to do to protect themselves and others and help prevent the spread of the disease.

In an effort to reduce any confusion, the leading medical groups – Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend the following:

Social Distancing

This means that when you are in a public setting, you should remain at least 6 feet away from any other individual. There has never been a better time to respect personal space. When it comes to people who live in the same home, however, social distancing is only necessary if someone has been diagnosed with COVID 19. Otherwise, this is a great time to be together and enjoy family time.

Stay Home If Possible

Yes, in the real world, you still have to go to the grocery store, the pharmacy, or even the post office or bank. During a pandemic, however, you are encouraged to limit your exposure by doing as much as possible online or on the phone. If you must go out, make a plan to run as many errands as possible that day so that you can limit your daily exposure. When you get home, throw your clothes in the washing machine and have a good soapy shower.

Face Masks

There has been a lot of controversy over face masks. At this time, everyone who goes out in public is encouraged to wear a face mask. It does not have to be medical grade, but simply a covering to help filter what you breathe. Wash your face masks often and never share them with anyone.

Wash Your Hands Often

Hand sanitizer does kill the germs on your hands. However, nothing kills germs and removes them from your hands better than washing them with warm water and soap. Suds up your hands really well for at least 20 seconds each time. Rinse them well and dry with a clean towel or paper towel, even at home. Wash your hands often to help prevent the spread of any type of virus.

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