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Business Positioning Engagement

If you truly want to Create A Movement in your business you need to discuss with us our Business Positioning Engagement

Here are the main 3 things we will do with you.

1. Positioning engagement

The first step in creating a movement is to develop a compelling, differentiating mental angle to help you launch a successful attack against your competition. We begin by spending a day at your offices to gain a firsthand understanding of your situation and the competitive environment. We want to meet with all your senior people in a no-holds-barred setting to gain a full understanding of their perspectives and all the pertinent issues. Our goal is to leave with enough information to begin developing a comprehensive positioning strategy.
2. Midpoint presentation

Within 2-3 weeks, we will return to present our findings and strategic recommendations based on the information gathered during the briefing day. We will present our proposed positioning strategy and business concept in the form of a Powerpoint presentation. Upon your acceptance of the strategy and direction, we will proceed with development of prototype creative to bring the strategy to life, along with a detailed action plan and proposal to execute the strategy.

3. Creative and detailed action plan

Within 4 weeks, we will return with the blueprint for creating your movement. The full plan will include the positioning strategy and statement, prototype creative materials for the strategy, action items, timelines, proposed costs, technologies, and recommendations to fully implement the plan.

Contact us today to get started on Creating Your Companies Movement.

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