girl in the background

I have been reading this great book by Simon Sinek called, “Start With Why.”

People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.  ~Simon Sinek

He discusses the What, How and Why companies do what they do.

At Movement, we have been evaluating not only the what and how but we are really determining the why behind everything.  We will have more to come in future posts as we discuss the community involvement vision of Movement.

In determining the Why behind what we do, we wanted to ask these 4 questions:

  • What is our purpose, cause or belief?
  • Why do we exist?
  • Why do we get out of bed in the morning?
  • Why would anyone care?

Everything we do, we believing in challenging the normalness of business and community. We want to think differently and help establish a community of change that makes a difference in future generations. How we challenge this is to evaluate every connection and creating a simple process that can work. And by the way we build great websites as well.

For us, success is bigger than a mere transaction. We are looking for organizations that we can partner with to deliver long-term winning relationships with their customers. The starting point is an excellent product and excellent customer service.

Movement Marketing is not merely business as usual — we believe we are a part a movement. Your business is something so much bigger than you. Ultimately, we succeed in discovering and cultivating a movement of people around your brand. Success has much deeper implications than conversion or ROI.

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