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What’s In Your Hand?

a girl looking at a sunset

What is that in your hand?

A lot of the time in business and life we wonder where our gifting fits best.  We wonder what career path we should take.  The average person actually changes careers at least 7 times in their life.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Among the most-repeated claims is that the average U.S. worker will have many careers—seven is the most widely cited number—in his or her lifetime.”

My question today is “What is in your hand?”

In Exodus chapter 4 Moses was wondering about his calling or career path.  He doubted what he could and couldn’t do.

Exodus 4:1,2

Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”

So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”

He said, “A rod.”

Moses went on to free God’s people from Egypt and part the Red Sea with only the “stick” he had in his hand.

We might ask ourselves.  What do we have in our hands?

  • Maybe it is a business you have started.
  • Maybe it is a skill you learned in college or high school.
  • Maybe it is the gift to simply communicate with others.
  • Maybe its computers or simply hard work.

Whatever it is, know today that God will do with what he wants to and He has this and is going to turn it out for the good.  The “rod” or “stick” you have in your hand is not something far away.  It just takes effort and dedication and God’s power will turn that “stick” into something good.

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