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Only singing one note


Okay, we get it. Teachers teach. Preachers preach, and lawyers practice law. So why talk about anything else? Why even think about anything else?

Kids in school need a teacher every day. People who go to church need a preacher once a week. People who need a lawyer…never freaking think about it until they need one. Hmm. How do we fix that?

Connect with people in ways beyond legal. They only have legal problems every now and then. Give them a reason to keep coming back to you with good advice or stories that apply to every area of their lives. Band together with other professionals whose businesses are also life-seasonal, and share tips with each other’s clients. Who? CPAs, realtors, mortgage originators, insurance agents. Pay attention to the businesses in strip malls as you drive around, and you’ll get plenty of ideas.

How do you band together to share tips? Hire us to help you!

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