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The Trials of Attorney Web Design

Here at Create the Movement we’ve probably created more attorney websites than any other Tulsa web design firm. It’s no easy task to create a website that is both creatively compelling website designing iconand professionally credible.

In the world of attorney web design, our innate desire to create cutting edge sites has to be balanced with a traditional approach our clients are used to. This battle is nothing new and almost every marketing firm deals with it in some fashion. Giving the client what they want while telling them what they need to hear is a conflict perhaps best exemplified by attorney web design. The web design challenges are obvious, but another challenge we face is content writing.

As you can imagine, lawyers tend to analyze and scrutinize every word that goes on their website. This certainly mitigates our risk of false claims, but it can curb our creativity as well.

Do Process

We don’t say all this to complain, we say this because it has made us better. Getting scrutinized so heavily has forced us to refine our client onboarding process so we know exactly what new clients expect so we don’t miss the mark.

This onboarding process involves a video conference call when we share screens with the client and walk through other sites to get their knee jerk reaction to different layouts and features. Before we went to this method, we tried emailing back and forth with clients, but there’s no substitute for live feedback.

If there’s one thing our years of attorney web design have taught us, it’s that setting the right expectation from the beginning is the most important thing you do for a design process. It’s imperative we understand what the client wants, and the client understands what we’re about to do for them.

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