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Social Media strategies to use to boost SEO

Everyone understands that SEO is essential to having your website rank high in search. Many people understand the importance of quality content, videos, infographics, and the use of keywords to boost ranking, but what about social media.

Can Social Media Boost Your SEO and Rankings?


The answer is no and yes.

Social media does not actually boost your SEO rankings, so the answer is no. However, if you have popular content that is linked to your site, the popularity of your posts can help increase your site authority which will, in turn, help boost your rankings in search results. When you look at that factor, the answer is yes.


How To Generate Quality Social Media Posts


If you want your social media posts to generate interest and be shared with others, you have to make sure that your content is worth sharing. Some tips for generating quality social media posts include:

– Create useful posts, not just sales material. How-tos, demonstrations, helpful tips, and things like this can help boost the quality of your posts and encourage people to share.

– Do some fun posts. Share a funny picture that you took or create a funny video. Make sure that your product takes credit at some point, but make the focus fun. Everyone likes to smile or laugh.

– Avoid political, religious, or controversial topics in your post. While everyone has the right to an opinion, it is always better if opinions stay between friends and not as a representation of a business.

– Create infographics that people can use for other purposes. Infographics have become an increasingly popular tool on the Internet.

It is also very important that you have your profile completed on social media. People who visit your site will want to know about your company and having missing items on your profile makes your company look sloppy or even sketchy.


Use Relevant Social Media


To help boost your ranking, you will want to make sure that you use the right social media platforms. There are so many different options that you can become overextended when trying to manage all of these platforms at once. So, select the ones that are most beneficial to your company.

For example, if you are in a creative industry, you may want to stick to sites like Instagram or Pinterest. These sites promote pictures and videos and help you build a visual display of your business and product. It is also a great way to sell your stuff directly.

If your company offers different products, services, or information, then you may want to go more with a site like Facebook where you can interact more with your potential customers so that they can build a relationship with your com[pany and brand.

LinkedIn is a great social site to post on to generate leads for your business and to connect with other professionals. All businesses should have a LinkedIn profile.


Best SEO Practices Always Come Back To One Thing


While great social media posts can drive more visits to your site and help increase your site’s authority, the best way to have better rankings on the search engine is through the best SEO practices for your site.

You want to make sure that your site is always up to date and in compliance with all of the latest requirements by the search engine for rankings.

You want to make sure that you have the right keywords on your site to attract traffic. Remember, keywords change over time, even if your product or site has not changed. Keywords that drove traffic in the past may not work now. Refreshing your content to include current keywords is essential for good ranking.

You will want to make sure that photos, videos, and other media you attach to your site are in the right file type. Google will penalize sites that load slowly or have slow loading media. Make sure that these items have the right tags attached to them so that they are associated with your main keywords.

It is essential that you have relevant information on your site and create a good user experience. Even if you have the latest keywords on your site, if your site is hard to navigate or does not provide quality content, your site will be penalized in ranking.

You will have to make sure that your site is mobile-friendly. Sites that cannot be viewed easily on mobile devices will not only rank lower but will lead to sites losing significant views and sales. Over 80 percent of all Internet viewing is now done on a handheld device.

Adding new content. You need to have a set time to add new content to your site. It may be once a week or once every two weeks, but you need to keep your content fresh. It is also important to look at old content and update it with new keywords and fresh content to enhance the posting to make it relevant to search again.

The search engines will continue to rank the quality of a website when it comes to placement in the search results. While viral social media posts can help add to a site’s authority, they will not have the lasting impact on your ranking as good SEO practices will for your site.

If you are unsure how to bring your site to the current standards of SEO practices, it may be in your best interest to consult with an Internet marketing company. A company that specializes in SEO can help you update your site and improve its ranking.

A great website is only as good as its SEO. You can have the best site in the world, but if the search engine cannot find it, it is the same as not having a site at all. SEO is not difficult; it just takes time and practice, and continual monitoring. Speak with an SEO specialist today about how to improve your ranking in the major search engines.


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