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2018 Law Firm Marketing Plan

Once you clearly define your target audience you can get to work on your branding. The branding process involves a lot of different facets like color schemes, layouts, slogans, 2018 Law Firm Marketing Planand logos. One part of branding that should be at the top of your list is finding your voice. Don’t worry, this doesn’t involve singing.

Your brand’s voice is simply how you talk to your audience. This will mainly affect how you write content for your website, print publications, and social media. Every sentence, every phrase, and every word needs to be carefully curated to maximize your effectiveness with your target audience.

A really easy way to find your voice is to ask yourself, “if my brand had a celebrity spokesperson, who would it be?” We know how these people act and talk so picking a celebrity persona to emulate is incredibly helpful.

There’s a few things to consider when developing your voice.

Tone- How you say it is just as important as what you say. Is your brand elegant and sophisticated or snarky and sarcastic? Don’t be afraid to be a bit over the top.

Emotion- When your audience reads your brand’s copy they’re going to feel some kind of emotion, ideally they won’t feel apathy. Do you want to make your audience laugh, cry, feel safe, feel excited, feel sympathetic? They’re going to feel something, and you can control how they feel.

Diction- Make sure you’re using industry appropriate terms and words your target audience can relate to. Speak their language so they feel like they’re talking to someone they know.

Messaging- Audiences want relevant messages about topics they care about. Stay on message and don’t waste their time.

One of the best ways to flaunt your voice is through social media. Social media is incredibly conversational and allows brands to show their true colors. A brand that truly uses social media to its full potential is Taco Bell. The tex-mex slinger is clever, relevant and not afraid to trash talk other brands.

Finding your voice takes time, but once you find the right voice you can start building relationships with customers like never before.

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