Efficient & EffectiveMarketing


Video Production

Design Thinking


Content // Social


Video Production



Google alone handles around 40,000 searches every second. This dizzying number says one thing, people are searching. So if people are searching, you need to be easy to find. At Create the Movement we use a tried and true method to secure our clients top page rankings.

We combine the power of organic SEO, pay-per-click and content marketing to make a vibrant blend that gets you noticed. Organic SEO lays the foundation for everything. By making sure your site is built with search engine friendly parameters and finding quality backlinks pointing to your site, your site will climb to the top of the search results page.

While steady organic growth is the best starting point, sometimes you just need an SEO shot in the arm. Paying for the top spots on search results is your shortcut to victory. Finally we write content that is pleasing to the search engine and the readers.



Once visitors have found their way to your site we make sure they impressed. Developing a brand that shouts your company’s vision, mission and personality is our goal. Everything from the colors, to the pictures, logos and slogans need to paint a picture. We do this by making sure we know our clients inside and out. By creating friendships with our clients we make sure we fully understand how their brand needs to look and how it should act.

Web design isn’t just about making a pretty picture, it’s about constructing a space that is easy to navigate and absolutely functional. We take the time to make sure our websites are built with an intuitive spirit and a focus on user experience. By fusing beautiful branding with functional design we can ensure your potential customers are convinced you’re an industry expert.



When something is good, people talk about it and today people talk online. Social media is no longer a fad for the techy elites, it’s for the masses and quit frankly, it’s essential for almost every business. Our curated system of social media tactics delivers your message at the right and in the right place.

Podcasting is the quietly growing wave of the future and we’re embracing it. While most businesses will never consider podcasting as an option, we make the process so simple and easy that anyone can be the next Ira Glass. Business owners are always passionate about their business and if there’s one thing passionate people can do, it’s talk about what they’re passionate about. This is why podcasting is such a great avenue for marketing, all you have to do is talk and let us do the rest.

Check out a few of our Case Studies here: 

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