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Category: Leadership

a girl looking at a sunset

What’s In Your Hand?

What is that in your hand? A lot of the time in business and life we wonder where our gifting fits best.  We wonder what ...
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Start with Why

I have been reading this great book by Simon Sinek called, “Start With Why.” People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do ...
business man

100 Life Goals

I am excited to participate in 100 Life Goals which is a free online event taking place on January 1st, 2014. The goal of this ...
team discussing

SMART Goal Setting

Set SMART Goals in the new year A useful way of making goals more powerful is to use the SMART method. While there are plenty ...

Four Easy Ways to Streamline Technology

Four Easy Ways to Streamline Technology Technology continues to introduce convenience after convenience. Lost in an unfamiliar part of town? Map your way home with ...

Creating a Life-Giving Work Culture

A great work culture can be the difference between good success and failure for any business. It’s how you attract talented individuals and make sure ...
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Brown Cow Theory

Working with our team this week, I was recently reminded of an old story I used to tell the sales teams I trained and worked ...
a girl walking

Passion Will Always Start With a Purpose

You can’t ever have passion without a purpose. There is an unverified story about an unannounced visit from President John F. Kennedy made to the ...
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Establishing and Meeting Expectations

The heart of a successful project is well-curated expectations. A missed deadline is a deathblow to a relationship. When the trust erodes, it’s the beginning ...

Creativity vs. Innovation

Creativity vs. Innovation There is a difference between innovation and creativity.  Innovation is often thought of as creativity. But the difference is huge. It’s the ...

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