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Category: Client Relationships


Ep. 13 Presenting To The Client

Create The Movement Podcast Episode #13 Liz Montgomery, Create the Movement: Welcome back to the Create the Movement podcast – our next edition here. I ...
girl sitting on a table

Forgive Those Who Offend You

In normal business, it’s kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. Get yours or get taken. Offending others is par for the course. After ...

Put Suspects First

Suspects are people you aren’t actively talking to about your business but you’d like to be. They can be anyone from people on your “dream ...

Put Prospects First

Prospects are people you are talking to about your product or service who haven’t decided to go with you yet. How do you put prospects ...
divorce and child custody

Put Customers First

What do your current customers want? Better question: When was the last time you talked to them? If you don’t have a regular plan for ...
Common Problems in Attorney Marketing Part 4

The 5 Biggest Online Marketing Mistakes Most Attorneys Make

Before you go into the courtroom, sit down for a deposition or even make a phone call, you make sure you have your bases covered. ...

Sit in Your Client’s Seat

Client Relationships Professionals by definition have specialized knowledge refined by training and experience. There are things you talk about every single day that most people ...

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